My guest post today is the lovely Empress from Good Day Regular People. Alexandra is known for her awesome guest posting skills, so what better way than to provide some helpful hints about posting for another blog from someone who does it well!
I am known as a guest poster. I get asked often why I enjoy guest posting so much. It’s true, I do enjoy it. I think my guest posts show that my enthusiasm for being at someone else’s site is evident. I was lucky enough to begin guest posting early into my blogging days. At two months, I had already been a guest blogger on two sites. One opportunity came by way of invitation, the second by my own initiation and submission. From this early start, I was hooked.
Why I Like to Guest Post:
*It develops and expands your writing style
*It takes your blogging friendships to another level
*It helps build community
*It has me write on a topic I wouldn’t think to approach on my site
*I get to be relaxed and a bit like someone else, just like a vacation
*It shows my readers a different side of me, like meeting me outside of the usual surroundings
*It truly is a lot of fun
The Benefits of Guest Posting:
*Increased traffic
*Exposure to a new audience
*Allows you to showcase a side of your writing (or self) that your blog doesn’t
*Ability to gain new followers and subscribers
*Creates a friendship with the blogger that invited you, or accepted your offer to guest post
*You get to introduce your regular readers to a new blogger as well
What I’ve Learned About Guest Posting:
Think outside yourself. When you come across an opportunity to guest post that may not be for you, think about whether it’s right for another blogger you know. If so, forward that contact information to them because they’ll appreciate it.
Just ask. When you see a blog you like, email them a short, sweet note telling them you’d like to guest post for them. All they can say is no. Take the risk.
Use guest posting as a test bed. If you know you want to try writing something “new” that your blog’s niche doesn’t allow, search out a site that will. Say, you like science fiction. Well Google, “Guest Posting for Science Fiction,” and “Submitting Guest Post on Science Fiction,” and “Guest Post Submission on Science Fiction.” Visit those blogs and see if they’ll take a submission from you.
Utilize Twitter. Follow the tweets of a blogger you like. Some bloggers will tweet “looking for guest posts. I’m feeling very generous today.” Respond!
Utilize search boxes. When visiting a collaborative blog you’d like to contribute to, enter “guest posts” in their search box: good chance that everything you need will pop up with one click.
Look for “write for us” and “about us” links. Many community blogs will have a “write for us” link in their top navigation bar. Also, click on “about us.” There will usually be an email address for guest post submissions there.
Check out guest blogger communities. They seek high quality content and a fresh perspective. Very exciting collaboration.
Start out small. Exchange guest posts with a bloggy buddy. You can reach a new audience there that you are somewhat familiar with, in a niche you know well. Consider hosting a guest post once a week at your site. Tweet it out! You’ll meet new people, and bring traffic to your site for others to meet you.
Bring your “A” game. This is the most important thing I can say about guest posting. I would not say to myself, “it’s a free post for them, I’ll just hammer this out in ten minutes.” No, no, no, no, and No.
So, bring it! Provide the awesome content that will have people wanting to know more about you and follow you. Make your host proud. Make your host beam with “look what I found to show my readers!” Be a guest, as in “guest post” and good luck with your efforts!
Please send me an email if you are interested in guest posting at Theta Mom® for TMC Network. Full details can be found on the Network page.
It is always such a pleasure to find the Empress visiting other kingdoms! A great post, as usual. Guest posting has always been intriguing to me so thank you for demystifying it for me : )
Oh, thank you, 30ish mama. I have enjoyed getting to know you, and reading your tender posts.
Lovely to see you here…and thank you, for your kind comment, so much.
Heather: Awesome guest poster. Alexandra rocks!
Alexandra: Awesome guest post. You rock!
LOL! But seriously, guest posting has been the biggest highlight of blogging for me. It’s so great to partner up and share audiences!
Thank you so much, I really enjoy guest posting, too.
It makes me really give my best. I like that.